Publisher violations
Label and Description
Obscene or pornographic content
T&C: 9.2.6 CoC: Rule 6 - Guidance 3
Discriminatory content, especially based on race, nationality, sexual identity, disability, religion or age
T&C: 9.2.6 CoC: Rule 6 - Guidance 3
File sharing Hosting services that enable anonymous uploads and sharing of download links
T&C: 9.2.10 CoC: Rule 6 - Guidance 1 CoC: Rule 6 - Guidance 3
Libelous and defamatory content
T&C: 9.2.6 CoC: Rule 6 - Guidance 3
Violent content or content inciting violence
T&C: 9.2.6 CoC: Rule 6 - Guidance 3
Content infringing on intellectual property rights
T&C: 9.2.10 CoC: Rule 6 - Guidance 3
Content in violation of applicable law
T&C: 9.2.5 CoC: Rule 6 - Guidance 3
Cookie stuffing Activating tracking via a tracking link used for click tracking if the user did not voluntarily and intentionally interact with the Ad Media or Tracking Link.
T&C: 2.1 - "Click" CoC: Rule 10 - Guidance 1 CoC: Rule 10 - Guidance 2
Traffic hijacking Activating tracking when a consumer visits an Advertiser site if the user did not interact with the Ad Media or Tracking Link before.
T&C: 2.1 - "Click" CoC: Rule 10 - Guidance 1
Basket hijacking Activating tracking when or after a consumer has placed one or more products in their basket
T&C: 2.1 - "Click" CoC: Rule 10 - Guidance 1
Coupon hijacking Publisher makes coupon codes available that they are not authorized to use
T&C: 9.2.6 CoC: Rule 8 - Guidance 1 IAB UK "Voucher Code": Rule 5
Invalid coupons Publisher promotes invalid or expired coupon codes
T&C: 9.2.6 CoC: Rule 8 - Guidance 1 IAB UK "Voucher Code": Rule 2
Downloadable Software
Adware/Malware Any software installed on an end consumer's device that displays ads or modifies the browsing experience (including toolbars or extensions) without the user's express permission.
T&C: 9.2.6 CoC: Rule 4 IAB UK "Downloadable Software"
Concealment or Manipulation of information in communication with Awin
Publisher statements are:
- internally inconsistent
- inconsistent with known facts
- evasive
- refusing to provide relevant information
T&C: 9.2.6 CoC: Rule 12
No response to request for information or action from Awin
T&C: 9.2.6 CoC: Rule 12
Brand bidding A paid search result, using or redirecting via a tracking link, appears when a branded term is searched for in a search engine and is not authorized by the advertiser
Program terms and PPC guidelines in combination with T&C: 4.2 CoC: Rule 7
Ad hijacking A paid search result substantially impersonates the advertiser brand's paid search result in ad-copy, display or target URL
Program terms and PPC guidelines in combination with T&C: 4.2 CoC: Rule 7
Traffic Policy
Nontransparent traffic sources Traffic whose origin is purposefully nontraceable
T&C: 9.2.6 CoC: Rule 9
Traffic Policy
Pop-up/Pop-under Advertisment is involuntarily opened in front of requested content. This can take the form of an additional browser window; layer within the browser or an interstitial ad
T&C: 2.1 - "Click" Program terms in combination with T&C 4.2 CoC: Rule 8 - Guidance 3 CoC: Rule 10 - Guidance 2
Traffic Policy
Site-under An Advertiser page is involuntarily opened via a tracking link in the background behind the current browser window of requested content. This usually takes the form of an additional browser window
T&C: 2.1 - "Click" Program terms in combination with T&C 4.2 CoC: Rule 8 - Guidance 3 CoC: Rule 10 - Guidance 2
Traffic Policy
Typo squatting Using misspelt Advertiser domain addresses to redirect consumers to advertiser landing page with tracking link
T&C 9.2.4 CoC: Rule 10
Subnetworks using Subnetworks Subnetwork Publisher employing another Subnetwork as a Subpublisher
T&C:10.2 T&C:10.3 CoC: Rule 11
Subpublisher violating network ban Subnetwork enabling Publishers excluded from Awin to operate as Subpublisher
T&C: 3.8.4 T&C: 9.2.6 CoC: Rule 11
Fake account Publisher registers an account with stolen or forged identity or payment information
T&C: 1.7 T&C: 9.2.3
Cloned promotional space Publisher registers promotional space that contains content cloned without authorization
T&C: 9.2.10 CoC: Rule 6
Third party promotional space Publisher registers promotional space they neither own nor control
T&C: 9.2.10 CoC: Rule 1 CoC: Rule 9
False business location Publisher does not accurately represent country and location of domicile
T&C: 9.2.3 T&C: 9.2.6 CoC: Rule 3
Violating network ban Registering a new account after being removed from Awin for non-compliance
T&C: 9.2.1 T&C: 9.2.2
Fake by publisher Fake transactions are generated by the publisher
T&C: 2.1 - "Sale/Lead/Action" T&C: 9.2.4 T&C: 9.2.5
Fake by Subpublisher Fake transactions are generated by a Subpublisher or customer of the publisher
T&C: 2.1 - "Sale/Lead/Action" T&C: 3.8.4 T&C: 9.2.4 T&C: 9.2.5
Fake by third party Fake transactions are generated by a known or unknown third party
T&C: 2.1 - "Sale/Lead/Action" T&C: 9.2.4 T&C: 9.2.5
Unauthorized offline transactions Transactions are generated based on unauthorized offline activities (i.e. street promotion; call centers cold calling)
T&C: 2.1 - "Sale/Lead/Action" T&C: 9.2.4 T&C: 9.2.5
Forged identity use Executing a transaction with data related to non-existent persons or entities
T&C: 2.1 - "Sale/Lead/Action" T&C: 9.2.4 T&C: 9.2.5
Identity theft Executing a transaction with unauthorized use of actual consumer identity or payment information
T&C: 2.1 - "Sale/Lead/Action" T&C: 9.2.4 T&C: 9.2.5
Return and refund fraud Purposefully ordering products only to return them
T&C: 2.1 - "Sale/Lead/Action" T&C: 9.2.4 T&C: 9.2.5
Tracking manipulation Transaction tracking is activated although no execution of actual transaction
T&C: 2.1 - "Sale/Lead/Action" T&C: 9.2.4 T&C: 9.2.5
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